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Introducing Battle Ramblers

In general, on Sunday mornings we leave Battle at 09:30 and set out for walks all over the surrounding countryside usually starting at 10:00 or 10:15 - see the Sunday Walks Programme for details...


During the late Spring to early Autumn months, we walk in the afternoons and early evenings more locally - see the Evening (Friday) Walks Programme for details. During the winter ad hoc walks are arranged on some Friday afternoons...


Battle Ramblers welcome new members, all year round...

Please contact us if you wish to join us.

Click icon for membership information:


'Rambling On'

- is the Battle Ramblers quarterly newsletter with reports about our Walks, Members activities, pictures and all sorts of odds and ends...


Click icon for a downloadable copy of a recent edition:

Useful Links

If you are thinking about walking in East Sussex, here are some useful links:











But we would realy like you to have a look at what we offer!

Social Activites, too...

Our AGM is held in October each year when we enjoy a bring and share tea.  During the year we also hold a Strawberry Tea and at Christmas time we have a "Mince Pies" event.

Sunday Walks Programme

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(You can then read or make a print, but please consider your paper use carefully...)

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To download the complete Sunday Walks Programme click the icon:

Evening Walks Programme

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To download the previous Friday Walks Programme click the icon:

(You can then read or make a print, but please consider your paper use carefully...)

Picture Gallery


Some pictures of our walks and walkers will be inserted here

Contact Us...

Applying for Membership...

Currently Battle Ramblers membership is "full" - we have an upper number limit imposed by the need for Insurance cover for Public Liability.

If you wish to be placed on the Waiting List please do make contact with us and we will then know you are wanting to join us as a potential member.

In any case, we welcome you attending one or two walks as a guest, right away, so that you see how we organise our walks...

Please contact us by using this form:

Please check that you have entered your email address correctly.  If it is wrong, even slightly, we cannot reply to you!

Thanks for submitting!


We do not monitor this 'Contact Us' service every single day, but often - so we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Following the 2024-October AGM the
Battle Ramblers Committee comprises:


Chairman: John Feltwell

Secretary: Margaret Hollamby

Treasurer: June Simpson

Walk Coordinator: June Simpson

Membership Secretary: Bernard Mabon

Sunday Walks Programme Secretary:
  Simon Stonard

Friday Walks Programme Secretary:

   John Daniels

Footpath Warden: Bev Marks

Communications Officer: Brenda Milford

Webmaster: Bev Marks and John Daniels

Committee Members: Alison Lowe, Audrey Koop, Chris Walker


But, of course, if you are interested in helping run the club within the current Committee, you only have to let us know, via the 'Contact Us' form!

Possible new feature: JOIN our MAILING LIST

Thanks for submitting!

Battle Ramblers © 2024 Created with

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