1. Name
The Club shall be called ‘Battle Ramblers’.
2. Objectives
The objectives of the club are: to further the enjoyment of the countryside on foot; to foster greater knowledge and care of the countryside and to work for the preservation of natural beauty, the protection of footpaths and the provision of access to open country.
3. Membership (2011-October)
3.1 Membership is open to all interested persons who agree to the Club Objectives and begins upon payment of the appropriate membership subscription fee (announced in the AGM calling notice); although the Committee has the right to decline membership without giving a reason. Applicants may choose one of two categories: Walking Member or Social Member.
3.2 Walking Member - has all rights and privileges of the Club and to maintain this status a Member shall pay the full membership subscription fee annually. A Walking Member is expected to join a number of walks each year, though no specific limit is set.
3.3 Social Member - has all rights and privileges of the Club and to maintain this status a Member shall pay the full membership subscription fee annually. A Social Member shall have previously held Walking Member status for at least 3 consecutive years, but by requesting this status they indicate that they no longer anticipate walking with the club on a regular basis.
3.4 Life Member - this category includes all rights and privileges of the Club. Life Membership may be granted occasionally to either a Walking Member or a Social Member by a unanimous decision of the Committee. It shall only be conferred upon an individual who has previously given exemplary service to the Club. A Life Member will, for their lifetime, not be subject to pay the annual membership subscription fee.
4. Subscription
Subscriptions shall be fixed annually by the Committee and shall be payable within one calendar month of the Annual General Meeting.
5. Relations with other Clubs
The Club shall be affiliated to the Ramblers Association and shall maintain close relationships with other rambling clubs with similar objectives in the local area.
6. Management
6.1 The management and control of the Club shall be vested in a Committee which shall consist of three Honorary Officers and five other members. All members shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-election.
6.2 The Committee shall decide when and where it shall meet.
6.3. Four Committee members shall form a quorum of the Committee.
6.4. The Committee shall have power to co-opt additional members to fill casual vacancies.
7. Officers
7.1 The Honorary Officers of the Club shall be a Chairman, a Treasurer and a Secretary.
7.2 All Officers shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-election.
7.3. The Committee shall have power to fill vacancies.
8. Sub-Committees
The Committee shall have power to appoint Sub-Committees and to determine their Terms of Reference and their powers.
9. Annual General Meeting
In September or October of each year the Committee shall convene an Annual General Meeting of the Club. At least fourteen days notice shall be given in writing to each Member of the Club. All Members of the Club shall be entitled to attend, to:
9.1 Receive the Annual Report of the Committee and a statement of accounts for the previous year.
9.2 Elect the Honorary Officers and Committee Members.
9.3. Discuss and vote on motions, notice of which shall be given in writing to the Secretary at least fourteen days before the meeting.
9.4 Vote on any proposals to amend this Constitution in accordance with clause 13 hereof.
10. Special General Meeting
The Chairman or Secretary may at any time, and shall within 21 days of receiving a request to do so, signed by a minimum of 10 members and giving reasons for the request, call a Special General Meeting.
At least fourteen days notice of such a meeting shall be given in writing to each Member of the Club and the notice of the meeting shall contain details of the matters to be discussed and the terms of any motions which it is intended to move.
All members of the Club shall be entitled to attend such a meeting.
11. Finance
The Treasurer shall keep proper financial accounts and shall keep the committee informed as to the financial state of the Club.
12. Dissolution
If, in the event of the dissolution of the Club confirmed by a majority of those present and voting at a General Meeting of the Club, there remains after the satisfaction of its debts and liabilities any assets whatsoever, they shall be transferred to the Ramblers Association.
13. Alterations to the Constitution (1979-June)
13.1 This Constitution shall only be amended at a General Meeting with the approval of a two-thirds majority of those present and voting.
13.2 Any proposal for such amendment must be delivered in writing to the Secretary at least twenty-eight days before the meeting at which it is to be discussed. Details of the proposed amendment shall be published in the notice of the General Meeting (see clauses 9 & 10).
14. Expulsion of Members (2005-October)
The Committee shall have the authority to expel any Member whose behaviour is prejudicial to the good name of the Club, or whose behaviour towards other Members is unacceptable.
Such expelled Members have the right of appeal to the Annual General Meeting, provided they give 28 days notice in writing, to the Secretary.
Constitution as amended by AGM of 2011-10-03